Advanced Recovery Education (ARE) Level 1


Total Cost: $650 for 10 core sessions and 3 maintenance sessions

Your work will be facilitated by a licensed counselor. Classes are held during the week in the evenings.

Both, Levels I and II consist of 30 hours of core group sessions consisting of 8 to 15 participants. These 30 hours are attended in 10 weekly 3-hour sessions.

Completion of the Core hours is followed up by attending maintenance sessions. For full program description scroll below.

Certificate of completion and monthly progress reports will be provided.

After checking out, you will receive an email within 48 business hours with next step instructions for completion of service.


This program explores many elements but has an emphasis on recovery from thinking and choices which caused troubles associated with the abuse of substances and/or alcohol. The core ARE curriculum and structure is designed to allow participants to:

  • Explore how past thinking and choices may have (or, is starting to) develop into a life pattern of negative consequences
  • Recognize successes and build upon those; discover what voids and needs alcohol and/or substance abuse satisfied in the past and how this can be better accomplished with developing a recovery lifestyle including more healthy thinking/people/activities/places/ and, things
  • Build a satisfying recovery lifestyle vision and getting started working on goals consistent with this vision; and, be introduced to supportive tools and other self-help programs and resources to assist with continued success

ARE Level 1 Program Structure:

After completing the core 30 hours (plus any possible extensions for missed groups), participants will attend maintenance sessions which will allow them to return to one 3-hour group per month for three months as scheduled by their facilitator. When attending maintenance sessions, participants will be asked to be prepared with maintenance review and check-in tools. Participants will not be required to complete individual sessions but may request to do so at any time if they feel the need. Participants will be asked to attend, participate in, and document 8 recovery support meetings (examples: Celebrate Recovery, Alcoholic Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous) during the course of their program time. Completion of this program will be approximately 5.5 calendar months. Certificate of completion and monthly progress reports will be provided.

Additional information

How are you attending?

In-Facility (Georgetown Only), Web-Based

How are you paying?

Pay in Advance, Pay for Single Sessions


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