Domestic violence, sometimes called domestic abuse, is reaching epidemic proportions and affects men, women and children of all races and social and economic levels. In order to stem the tide of domestic abuse we have to not only stop the abuse and protect the survivors, but we also have to understand what triggers the abuse so that the next generation of families can learn to live abuse-free. If you are reading this, you are likely evaluating the choices you have made in the past within your domestic relationships and you may be unhappy with yourself about those choices. The good news is that it is never too late, and you do not have to allow those past choices to define you and your interactions in a negative way today. It will be a process and will not happen overnight, but this course can assist you with starting that journey. Our hope for you and your family is that you are able to establish ways of being which foster safety, satisfaction, and security within your home. We will help you do your part to gain skills which allow you to be the person, partner, and father/mother you wish to be. You may be feeling things such as shame, guilt, and embarrassment about being in your current situation. That is a normal response and can be a sign that you want something different. Just a warning, you do not want to get stuck in that feeling state. You want to use those uncomfortable feelings as motivation to be accountable, to learn, and to do the work you need to do to avoid having to feel that way in the future. TCSA wants to help you accomplish this.
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