Monthly Monitoring Fee



To pay for multiple months, simply increase the quantity.


TCSA coordinates with judicial systems to provide confirmation that a defendant is fulfilling obligations as indicated within the supervision agreement.

The Supervision process begins with an orientation during which monitoring participants will be provided with detailed information on all aspects of monitoring and the various requirements agreed to complete.

The agreement requires that participants live by certain conditions and to complete various requirements. TCSA’s role in this process is to monitor and document compliance, along with documenting completion of various requirements. TCSA is vested in the success of each participant and will provide processes to assist along the way.

Depending on the specific details of the monitoring agreement, Participants may be required to report at minimum electronically on monthly basis. In-Office reporting may be required as indicated by the specific Supervision program. Examples of times you may be required to report In-Office are: to undergo a random drug and alcohol test; have a need for visual inspection of an interlock device; and/or address non-compliance issues. If you are currently participating in a monitoring program you may click here to pay your monitoring fee.


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