If you are reading this, you or someone you care about may have recently been arrested. This can be a fearful and uncertain time. Diversion opportunities for pending criminal charges exist in most jurisdictions for both adolescents and adults. TCSA works with jurisdictions to provide structure, value, and credibility for this type of case disposition option. TCSA has created a simple process for Courts and Attorneys to direct participants to a Diversion Track for disposition. Generally, negations or agreements are made within the court system between a prosecutor and defense attorney which specify a certain disposition of a case for certain completed requirements by the participant/defendant (as agreed to by the defendant). Often this is a dismissal or reduction of a pending criminal offense. The requirements vary depending on the jurisdiction and specifics of the individual risk/needs of the participant.
TCSA has a cafeteria-style process for requirements to be selected. Common requirements of Diversion programs are as follows:
- Community Service
- Monetary Restitution
- Assessments or Evaluations for substances/mental health/ aggression/etc
- Drug and Alcohol use screenings (U/A’s)
- Substance abuse Treatment or Education
- Victim Impact Panels; Anger Management
- Domestic Violence Course
- DWI Education
- Individual Counseling
- Minor in Possession Course
- 12 step recovery meetings
- Cognitive Skills Courses
- Parenting Courses; and/or Life Skills Programs
Locating programs which will be accepted by the Courts is sometimes challenging. TCSA’s Diversion Track is designed to simplify this process for participants and assist in vetting the quality of programing completed. TCSA does coordinate with jurisdictions to establish and Court Diversion Track agreement form which provides all options for programing and requirements as established by the Jurisdiction. This can be tailored to best fit the established jurisdiction’s goals and priorities.
Referral Types:
- Directed by an Established Program – TCSA builds relationship with jurisdictions and helps to establish a system for the Diversion Track. In those systems, you would have been given an agreement form which directs you to this site. You would have also discussed this agreement with your attorney. If you are coming with an “agreement form”, please select “Established Program” type below to get started.
- Attorney Referral – In some cases, defense attorney’s think it is a good idea to get started on a program such a Court Diversion Track before asked or required to. Sometimes, this is completed before negotiations of the case starts. Completing programing and requirements with a reputable and established agency (such as TCSA) can add validity to your efforts. In those cases, information can be provided to the Courts supporting a participant’s motivation and ability to “self-correct.” The Courts may consider this in the ultimate disposition of a case. TCSA can consult with your attorney to best design services for your goals. Please select program type “Attorney Referral” below.
- Self-Referral – you have some sort of pending action or circumstance, and you wish to undergo a TCSA evaluation and follow recommendations of this evaluation as your requirements for your Diversion Track. Completing programing and requirements with a reputable and established agency (such as TCSA) can add validity to your efforts. In those cases, information can be provided to the Courts supporting a participant’s motivation and ability to “self-correct.” The Courts may consider this in the ultimate disposition of a case. TCSA will work with you to best design services to match your goals. Please select “self-referral” program type below.
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